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Hello~! this is my personal website to put whatever the heck i want here. Theres not really a specific purpose of this site, its just something to keep me occupied during the summer. xD

I'm a dude currently residing in somewhere-somewhat-shitty. I've got way too much time on my hands, and paired with social issues, im usually doing nothing most of the time, so over time i've gained a lot of hobbies that help pass the time, like Drawing, music, websurfing, video gaming, and fandom (albiet watching from a distance)

I highly enjoy older things, in terms of my preferences in fandom and the internet in general. you may unknowingly find me on forums or virtual pet sites, if thats ur sorta thing. I have a nintendo switch (who i love), but i'd really like a 3ds- nope, i dont have one!!! :,> although, I do have a ps vita, which i mainly use for taking photos, but im planning on upgrading it soon~

I love hardcore music. i'm a big fan of Lapfox, Shoebill, 4lung and i mean anything else that sounds nice
to me. my fav genres or just.. types of music are happy hardcore, breakcore, reggaeton, nightcore &
nightstep. Also, i casually participate in Indigenous drumming, and generally i have a wide interest in music.

with all of that aside, I hope you enjoy this site. have a blessed day!

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